Raffle Competitions
Do you like to enter raffle competitions where there is more at stake than a basic number call?
Then you should enter in at SpotTheBall.com. Our spot the ball event gives you the chance to use your judgement. Instead of relying on dumb luck or superstition, you instead have to make a judgement call on our raffle competitions. You will be shown an image of a football game, or a sporting event otherwise. In the original image, a ball should be visible. In our image, though, the ball is gone. Your job is to spot the ball and then submit your guess on where the ball should be present.
If you have chosen the exact spot on the image that the judges that we have selected have chosen, you can look forward to a spectacular win. On top of this, you can find that our raffle competitions can give you every opportunity to pick your own prize. No longer do you need to win something you don’t even really want. You instead get to pick from a gluttony of various cars that come at five figures plus price ranges. Pick the car of your dreams, or the cash equivalent, and submit your suggestion for where the ball should be.
This gives you every opportunity that you need to enter into our raffle competitions and win something pretty spectacular. The whole experience, then, removes the challenge that exists around entering our raffle competitions. We make it easier for you to know what you win, and why you win; you choose the prize, and you choose the position.
It’s these little things that can go such a long way to ensuring that you can have plenty of fun when it comes to entering a raffle. Win what you want, not what you are given!
Enter SpotTheBall.com and join one of the most modern raffle competitions around!
Raffles today need to give you more power and more choice. Instead of just having a random number and a tiny chance of being declared the winner, we give you the choice. We let you choose your winning position on the image. We also let you choose your own prize. Now, when you do win, you can know that it was down to your own judgement as opposed to anything else!
That is why so many people are joining up with SpotTheBall.com; they want to join raffle competitions that give them confidence. They want to win a prize that they have chosen, and they actually want. Instead of simply taking the prize because it was on offer, our prizes leave you excited and with major anticipation about what you could have won.
That’s why we have made sure that you are in total control about what you get to win if you enter in with our competition. Take the stress out of joining up, then, and see what you could win with SpotTheBall.com today. Join up and see first-hand why our prizes make the ideal raffle competitions end result.
Stop winning OK prizes, and start winning something spectacular instead with SpotTheBall.com!